A Curse So Dark and Lonely

This was a tough one for me because I love beauty and the beast and generally, I love all retellings, but this retelling was very drawn out. The story itself was a fun twist, but the adventure it was just really really unexpected and really long halfway through the book, I honestly thought about giving up because I was like are you serious?

We have found out he’s a beast she’s at the castle. She knows everything going on and now there’s a rampage to go and save people and it’s like that’s cool and all, but to be honest, I think I lost interest because this prince are king or whatever is whoever the beast is supposed to be didn’t give much to want like we got his backstory we got that he turns into a beast that he’s dangerous we found out what happened to his kingdom, but then after that, there’s really not a lot about what he wants that does it involve her like he has no wishes of his own for his kingdom. He has no wishes of his own for his palace like he’s already given up he’s dried and done

To be honest, I think I lost interest because this prince/king or whatever whoever the beast is supposed to be didn’t give much to want like we got his backstory we got that he turns into a beast that he’s dangerous we found out what happened to his kingdom, but then after that, there’s really not a lot about what he wants that does it involve her.

Like he has no wishes of his own for his kingdom. He has no wishes of his own for his palace like he’s already given up he’s dried and done And I was dry and done by the middle of this book and romance is very short like not until the end. I was disappointed. I really wanted this book to be the one for the month.

So, I’m giving it 2 stars and I’m going to be donating it to someone else I’m sorry, trust me I am so sorry.

2 stars

Edited · 1w


Grimoires and Gingerbread


Butcher and Blackbird