The Discovery Center by Liz Hambleton ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Discovery Center… oh my this book brought out the moody reader in me for sure.
From the very beginning, the betrayal cuts deep and everything about our main character world turns out to be a straight up lie. She has been surrounded by danger her whole life without know it. Who will she choose to Continue life with?
I loved this book, crazy sideways society is slowly overthrown and lots of… no sir moments.. if you like love triangles, suspense, and straight up bring down the system books this one will probably bring out the moody reader in you too..and there is no holding the spice that Killian knows what he is doing..sigh.
Enjoy 😉 and than you @lizhambletonauthor for creating another fantasy that will forever be in my brain.
Oh! and for the copy of the book for me to read and review that was pretty cool too. 😁