Grave Yard Shift
The initial vibes with the store were spot on. I loved that there’s like a smoker club that doesn’t really get along, but they have to smoke in the graveyard because there’s no other option and I love it. They stumble upon something creepy and that they sneak around and see something else creepy but the delivery of the scientist, the delivery of what happenedto the subjects of his study and overall playing out of the end of the story was very chaotic and muddled and I think it could’ve been delivered and could’ve been so much more than it was. I did enjoy the vibes and it was a short story.
I wanted more to the story the set up was great but the middle and end was muddled and chaotic hard to follow and wasn’t satisfying with the ending - also not listed on Goodreads or Bookmory.
gave this book 2 stars
#graveyardshift #mlrioauthor