Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura - 1 STAR

Well lots of jealousy and awkward urges That an adult should have mastered at such an age. It’s creepy how he describes her and is turned on by everything she does, poor woman is just existing.

I just really found the romance - or more like lusty parts of the book were cringy. It’s like listening to high school kids, and the head games and pity parties they play and label as flirting just wasn’t doing not for me.

I really wanted more adventure and less of the crude sexual narrations from both sides.

So over all I would skip this book.

however here are some suggestions for a more mature and less crude romantic adult adventures, don’t worry they still have smutt but of a different kind.


Haven & Avalon by Ceril N. Domace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Solo Leveling