The Mossheart’s Promise by Rebecca Mix 5 stars

The story follows a girl named Arie who is a Faerie and is living in the shadow of her grandmother who is considered a hero due to her journey untimely the salvation of her fellow Fae folk when she was younger. Now life in the terrarium has become serious with the spread of the mold and no clean water and few crops despite the largest efforts and sacrifices of the fae. with her grandmother’s refusal to help Arie is send on an epic journey through the terrarium meeting many creatures and seeing many different place, will she be able to make any difference and what are the secrets her grandmother has kept from her and will Arie find the truth, and will they all survive?

gave this one 5 stars and looking forward to reading the second book The Ghostwings Lie


the 19th wife by David Ebershoff 3 Stars


Vampire mountain ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️